Letters From The Girls

To my new Pawrents Jason and Alison,

I’m going to be your new fur baby and I want to tell you a little about myself. My name is Sadie “Bear,” I was born in the fall of 2014 and my sign is Scorpio! My mom adopted me on April 25th, 2015. 

I have had 3 sisters and lived all over! I really get along with cats, because my first best friend was my sister Genie. Dogs always make me feel scared and threatened. I am very protective of my loved ones…I did a lot of crazy things as a puppy, but over the years I learned to be a good girl. I’ve attacked other dogs and I’ve jumped on little kids and accidentally hurt them, trying to play. I am really strong and persistent. I bark when I get really nervous and scared. I chew things like blinds, door handles, wood, and shred paper when I get nervous and have been alone for longer than I like. I’ve eaten Christmas ornaments and light bulbs, even though they made my mouth bleed. I had to eat bread for dinner for a whole week! My mom says I’m like a shark. I have broken a whole tooth off before! So I have to chew on softer things now. I even like to eat cat poop. Mom hated this most! I don’t know why, but I just can’t stop myself. 

I am now 7 years old, and starting to slow down. I am even going gray! But mom says I still have my champion heart. My tummy gets upset easily, and I sleep a lot more than I used to. I get allergies in the fall and spring. My paws and ears develop yeast easily, so they itch when they turn reddish brown. I can lick my paws and scratch and flap my ears until they all bleed. But, I can take 1 Benadryl if it’s really bad. My mom uses a spray on my paws that is gross and keeps me from licking them. She also cleans out my ears when I start to flap them, and it makes it all go away and feel better. 

I’ve grown out of most of my bad puppy behaviors, but I still love to shred paper and cardboard. Sometimes it’s best to let me have the unwanted boxes from the mail so I don’t destroy something important when I’m alone. Mom says I need something to take my energy out on. Fireworks and high pitched alarms really scare me. They make me go crazy! I do still potty in the house when I’m really nervous or really excited to see friends. I cannot hold it as long as I used to anymore, but I try really hard! I used to be crated, but I started to hurt myself trying to get out or escape. I can’t go back in there anymore and so I learned more to be a more good girl! 

Sometimes when I go “potty outside” it takes me a while to get ready to do it. I’m a really smart girl, and I know when I’m being left alone for a long time. I don’t like it, and sometimes I act out and won’t go. I also HATE wet grass! I actually refuse to poop on wet grass and I need a lot of time to “potty outside” when the grass is wet. Mom says this makes me a diva. Sometimes, I surprise her though and do what I’m supposed to.  

I am very tolerant to bull shit. I put up with my mom’s all the time. She says she does it on purpose! You can pull on my ears, poke me in the belly, mess with me while I sleep…but there really are only a few things I growl about. Sometimes I growl if you come near me while I eat my treats. I do not like it when my tail is pulled on. I HATE getting my front paws nails done. As I’ve gotten older, they’ve become more sensitive. I refuse to even let mom near them with a regular nail file. 

My favorite snacks are pears, peanut butter, pumpkin puree, and ice. I love to drink water and sometimes drink so much so fast that I throw it all up after a minute. I like to do that when I want attention from people if I feel like I’m not getting enough of it. My mom always says “take it easy” and that’s how I know to slow down. My favorite toys are frisbee, squeaker do-nut, and tennis balls. I love to nibble the fuzz off of the tennis ball! I love swimming in the pool if I have a life jacket. I am shy at first to get in, but once I know it’s safe, I can’t stop. I will save every human in the pool if I can but I hate being sprayed with the hose. Or anything at all.  My favorite babies are Moose baby and Dino baby. I’m not the greatest at playing catch, but my dad has helped me get better! My favorite is to be chased! When it’s time to snuggle, I’m always down. I can take up a LOT of room! I prefer to make a nest and sleep on a mountain of pillows. Sometimes I like to sleep just like a human because it’s so comfy. I dream almost every time I sleep. I bark, run, and growl in my sleep because I’m always chasing the squirrels. Sometimes I wake up barking from the middle of a dream and don’t know where I am and just need to be comforted. I also snore like a big man.

Mom says I’m too smart for my own good and I think I’m human. But that’s also how she says I saved her. I always knew when she needed me most and even when she needed to laugh. I love when she talks to me just like I’m a person. I understand a bunch of words and I’m the best at reading body language. I’m a great listener! I still choose when I listen and behave, and I always will. But I learned to be a really good girl, just so that I could come and finish out my years with you. Mom says everything happens for a reason. This means that I’m supposed to be your dog now.

Even though I’m a very nervous dog and I have a lot of separation anxiety, I’m really excited to be your dog! I already love you so much because you have been family for a long time. I know I will fit right in at home with you and I hope I can heal you and teach you and make wonderful memories with you just like I have with my mom and dad! 


Sadie Bear

To my new Pawrents Jocie and Tannie,

I’m going to be your new fur baby and I want to tell you a little about myself!  My name is Genie “Gene Bean,” “Bean,” “Frijolita,” “Beanie Weenie,” I was born in the summer of 2014 and my sign is Cancer. My mom adopted me on August 22, 2015. 

The “Boop” Queen in action!

I have had 3 sisters and lived all over! I get along with everyone. I am an ambivert because I love to play and have a good time, but I also love to go off and hide and do my own thing sometimes. My favorite way to show my love is to come and give you “boops!” My mom says I am the queen of boops and that I like it a little rough. I’m strong and can boop pretty hard. On occasion I get really carried away and act upon the urge to bite your nose! It hurts but I never drew blood. I love rolling around and rubbing myself on the ground while you pet me from all sides. I’m a very soft kitty and proud of it! I’m quiet most of the time, but I do like to talk on occasion. 

My favorite thing to do is watch birds and call to them! If I get to sunbathe in the window, I’m a happy kitty. Sometimes I feel like snuggling, but most of the time I relax and rest nearby in my own space. I’m very good at making biscuits and I nurse sometimes when I miss my cat mom. Mom always said I was her favorite child because nothing ever bothers me and I’m very patient. I let you sleep as long as you need to and I will never yell at you to bring me food like my sisters do. I don’t like confrontation and it takes a lot of coaxing to get me to fight back. Most of the time I just walk away. I really enjoy riding in the car! I like to sit on the middle console so I can see out the windshield like you and see everything. Mom says it’s better to leave me out of a cat carrier in the car because I freak out less. I do well on a leash and love to eat grass outside. 

I’ve never been an outside cat, but I’ve sneaked out a few times over night while mom was at work and survived. Mom says I’m not an outside cat because we’ve never lived in one place for longer than a year and a half. I always try to escape, but I do love the comfort of my home when it’s all said and done. 

I have to eat a special diet because I have a sensitive urinary tract. This food helps me potty without any issues. My favorite food is with gravy, like any kitty, but I always eat both or whatever mom gives me. I also enjoy people food from time to time and I will eat it right out of your hands. One time I got really hurt because someone slammed a door shut on me. It skinned and crushed part of my tail and I had to have several inches amputated. I did really good in surgery and recovery and now I barely notice it. I can get a little sensitive when the tip of my tail is messed with now, but for the most part I still enjoy my tail being pet too. My mom and dad tell me I’m still just as beautiful.

Mom says I’m very emotionally intelligent and perceptive. I am always the first to know something. Especially if a human is upset and needing comfort. I am very loyal and trust deeply. I will let you take a look at me and examine me without much of a fight. I do get allergies in the spring and fall and my eye will water a lot. When it gets like that I am always very good about letting my mom and dad clean it. When it gets really bad, I can have half a Zyrtec and I do a good job of swallowing pills if there are no pill pockets in the house.  

At night time, I like to sleep in the big bed with everyone. My favorite spot is right by your head. Most of the time I keep my space, but on occasion you might wake up with black fur in your face and half your pillow taken!  

I’m no stranger to adventure and change, being my mom’s fur baby all these years, and I am great at adjusting to any environment. As long as I have love, I know I’m safe. I already love you so much because you have been family for a long time. I know I will fit right in at home with you and I hope I can heal you and teach you and make wonderful memories with you just like I have with my mom and dad! 


Gene Bean

To my new Pawrents Cassy and Jeff,

I’m going to be your new fur baby and I want to tell you a little about myself!  My name is Rhiannon “Rhir Rhir,” I don’t know when I was born or what my sign is but my mom adopted me on December 15, 2017. 

Life before adoption day is really fuzzy. I used to spend a lot of time alone and in the dark without much love or attention. I have no front claws. When I was first adopted, I was very scared and reclusive. I cried and cried in the scary car and I still don’t like cars to this day. I freak out when I am taken outside, especially during the day. I stayed hidden under the bed most of the day and would only come out if it was quiet in the house or at night. I was terrified of loud noises. My mom thinks that I was probably even abused because of the way I behaved. 

Over time I slowly learned that my new family was safe and wanted to give me a happy life. I have had 3 sisters now and really come out of my shell! I’m still very shy around new friends and loud noises. But when I’m ready to socialize I come out. And I can be the bell of the ball! I am ALWAYS talking. It is my favorite way to communicate and how I got my nickname “Rhir Rhir.” Anytime you engage me with eye contact, I love to give a solid double meow. My mom and dad say I just love to hear myself talk because I “sing” through the house for no good reason sometimes. I’ve come out of my shell so much that I can be a little obnoxious and even a bully to get my way. My mom says she gets the most joy out of my transition. 

I love to play with my sisters and I have impressive paw and eye coordination. Despite my nature to still be a little reclusive, I love to instigate and bully my sisters to play with me when I am in the mood. I love to box and catch things with my paws! The thing I am best at in the whole world though, is making biscuits and snuggling. Give me a good lap to lay in and a belly to make biscuits on and I am in HEAVEN. I love to purr loudly there while making my biscuits and stare deeply into your eyes until you stare back at me. It’s how I say “I love you.” My mom and dad say I’m the best cat to relax with. When you need to get up, go ahead. Unlike most cats, I’ll still be there in our spot waiting to resume our snuggles like we were never interrupted. I like rough lovins and can be very forceful about snuggles too. I am a fat cat and I love to go dead weight when I’m being forced to move out of a spot I want to be in, no matter the inconvenience. 

I am an older cat now so I sleep and rest a lot. I always sleep on my own. When it comes time for everyone to go to sleep, I tend to stay up and do my own thing. I never really sleep in the bed with everyone and if I do it isn’t for long. I LOVE to eat!  I can be very annoying and pushy about my nibbles. Nothing stops me, so you just have to accept it. I always try to make up for that in other ways. I eat all my food and my motto in life is “No nibble left behind!”    

I am a very easy maintenance cat as long as I get my nibbles and my lovins! I’m still a scaredy cat to my core and probably always will be. Sometimes my mom and dad like to scare me on purpose because it makes them laugh to see a fat cat jump high in the air. Once I realize there is no real threat, I’m fine and return back to whatever I was doing before. 

I know it will take me some time to adjust to my new home and family. Just be patient with me because I will come out of my shell when I’m ready. I promise to give you lots of laughs and good conversation. I promise to show you love and devotion like no other cat you’ve ever met! 

Rhir Rhir,


To Kaylie and my new family,

I’m going to be your new fur baby and I want to tell you a little about myself!  My name is June, I was born in the Spring of 2020 and my sign is Aries. I was rescued June 4, 2020.

I was abandoned in the parking lot at my mom and dad’s work. My mom was working the night shift and heard a kitten crying from the cars in the parking lot on her break. It was supposed to storm that night and my mom came out and searched and searched for me but I wouldn’t come out. She was leaving work later that morning and cornered me enough to catch me. I was so tiny and scared! After she brought me home we got to know each other a little bit and I wasn’t so scared anymore. I realized I had been saved! Mom and dad decided to keep me and call me June.

I’m still really shy around new friends at first but it doesn’t take me long to come around. I have the loudest purr and I love to rub my face on your hands and walk around in circles. I am very light and gentle and I never scratch or poke you with my claws. I like to snuggle, but I am more independent and prefer to play and do my own thing. I’m very smart and I know my name well. If you call me, I often respond with a meow! I get the zoomies all the time and I like to jump really high and do flips and tricks! 

I have had 3 sisters and I love to play with them! We chase each other all through the house and sometimes we wrestle. You can always tell when I’m in a frisky mood because I flick my tail all over the place, I get this crazy look, and make funny noises. I have not been an outside cat yet, but I got out by accident one time and was a HUGE pain to trap and bring home. I still get scared very easily. I love to watch and call to the birds from the windows. I’m also a good biscuit maker like my sisters. I talk a lot and make funny sounds to communicate, especially when it’s time to eat! I don’t really like to be held or picked up, but I am a good listener and I understand what “No” means. I’m very smart and can understand a lot of words and body language. This always impressed my mom and dad because I’m still so young. Sometimes I argue with mom and dad when they tell me no or don’t let me do what I want. They say it’s because I’m a baby and I’m still learning.

It might take me time to adjust, but I’m excited to join your family and grow up and learn with you! I promise to be a good kitty and make lots of special memories with you!



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