Loy Krathong in Bangkok: A Celebration for Letting Go and Starting Anew

Krathongs in the pond at The Peace Park in Bangkok, 2021

We arrived in Bangkok just in time for the Loy Krathong festival. Loy Krathong is a festival celebrated in Thailand honoring the rivers and waters that give life to this beautiful country. Every year on the full moon of the 12th month of the traditional Thai lunar calendar, people release floating (Loy in Thai language) krathongs. These krathongs are decorated with banana leaves and  flowers of many colors. Each has a candle that is meant to exalt the Buddha and incense.  They are then released into the rivers, ponds, and waterways throughout the country, along with requests of forgiveness and intentions to let go of any anger or negative feelings of the past year. Many adorn their krathongs with a note or wish, hair clippings, or some kind of special offering of gratitude to the water goddess, Phra Mae Khongkha. Typically glowing and gorgeous lanterns are released into the sky as well, but this year many pushed to ensure the festival is more environmentally friendly and all natural and biodegradable ingredients are used in the making of the celebrations offerings.

I have always been in touch with my inner water goddess. I love the water so much that even a shower or a long bath can put my soul to rights, no matter the ailment. I also have a special relationship with the moon and respect the practice and teachings of Buddhism. So naturally I was really looking forward to being a part of this festival. Our journey to Bangkok was a tough one and by this time I was starting to feel a bit lost and a little homesick. I needed to express gratitude and reground myself. 

At sunset we purchased a beautiful krathong from a street vender and placed our love and gratitude offerings inside. It was beautiful. We were fortunate to be staying across the street from a gorgeous park with a large pond and we followed the Thai families carrying their own krathongs. As we entered the park, children were running around playing and laughing. People were smiling and loving on one another. Candles were glowing on colorful krathongs in the pond reflecting all the color and light. You could feel the joy and the gratitude in the air, it was so tangible. So warm.

Bradley lit our candle and incense from what I would describe as a unity candle. Everyone lights their krathongs from the same burning flame. I carried our krathong to the pond, holding my hand in front of the flame to make sure it would not burn out. I was nervous to be crashing this celebration, but every person made us feel welcome and a part of the tradition. For this night, we were not Falangs, we were family. I knelt down at the water’s edge and gently placed our krathong on the water. I silently prayed and expressed my thanks for being able to experience this moment. For being here with my Bradley. I looked at him and we smiled at each other. I pushed our krathong out gently and gave it a few nudges to get it out to the center of the pond. I let go. And we sat there on the bank of the pond and watched. Taking it all in. Such a beautiful experience. Before we left to walk around and enjoy the night, I bowed and expressed my deep gratitude one more time. I felt at peace and I felt hopeful.

9 thoughts on “Loy Krathong in Bangkok: A Celebration for Letting Go and Starting Anew

  1. Kayla, I am amazed at your blogging skills! Shame on me for not scrolling all the way down and seeing the comment box. Could timing be more perfect for you two to witness and participate in the Loy Kathrong Festival? That was definitely meant for you. Thank you for sharing the photos, what a beautiful site for your readers to vicariously grasp the moment. Breathtaking. I love you two!!

    1. Oh my sweet soul sister. You are amazing! It means so much to hear this from you. My fellow artist. Bradley and I love you to the moon and back 3 times. And then some.

    1. Thank you so much Aunt Debbie!! I really cannot wait to go to my next Loy Krathong Festival. Hopefully in Chiang Mai next time where it lasts for 3 whole days!

  2. You convey such beauty and bring things to life with your words! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your beautiful adventure!! Much love and hugs.

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